7 Excellent Marjoram Essential Oil Health Benefits

 how to use marjoram essential oil
Tara Harrison By Tara Harrison | Author

marjoram essential oil uses

Spiritual And Physical

Although flower petals may seem fragile and weak, they produce some of the most reliable and powerful essential oils. According to research, some of the potent essential oils used for both culinary and internal uses are extracted from floral scents. Marjoram essential oil is an excellent example of such oils.

Marjoram essential oil is extracted (steam distilled) from the leaves of the Origanum majorana plant. For centuries, this oil has been used in both spiritual rituals and to treat physical ailments. The oil can also be used as a health supplement and to add flavor to your foods as well. Only a tiny bit of the oil should be used for food flavoring. Some of the health benefits of marjoram essential oil are outlined below.

 what is marjoram essential oil used for

1Helps Prevent Septic Shock

Marjoram essential oil packs potent antiseptic properties that help prevent both internal and external wounds from becoming septic. Sepsis (a condition where the body is fighting severe infection) is a potentially dangerous condition, which, if not handled, can lead to death. Sepsis spreads rather fast in the human body through the bloodstream – it mostly affects normal blood pressure, making it almost impossible for oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to find its way to the vital organs and tissue. The reduced blood pressure and lack of blood perfusion make the body septic, leading to septic shock.

Marjoram essential oil is commonly used as a key ingredient in antiseptic creams and lotions. It has potent antiseptic properties. These can help prevent sepsis and tetanus.

 marjoram essential oil for the body

2Suppresses Sexual Urges

Many people will do anything to boost their sexual performance and desire. However, there are also a few who are trying to scale it down. While there aren't anti-aphrodisiac remedies out there, marjoram oil does the trick very well.

Marjoram essential oil is known for inhibiting sexual desires. The oil comes in handy for individuals with extreme sexual urges that they cannot keep in control. Just a teeny tiny bit of the oil is needed to do the job.

 how to use marjoram essential oil

3Contains Antibacterial Properties

Bacteria are everywhere. Some promote good health. However, toxic bacteria or the overgrowth of the same can lead to an infection.

Using marjoram oil, however, helps prevent bacterial infections by containing their populations. The oil can be used against malaria, typhoid, food poisoning, and colic. Ingesting the oil also helps the body protect itself from vaginitis and infections in the urinary tract, digestive system, skin, and colon.

 what is marjoram essential oil used for

4It Stimulates Menstrual Flow

Women suffering from the painful effects of obstructed menstruation will find relief with this essential oil. The oil contains powerful properties that relieve these symptoms. Marjoram essential oil also addresses hormonal imbalance.

The potent emmenagogue properties of marjoram oil work wonders in clearing menses by making them regular again. In addition to this, marjoram oil provides relief from a headache, pains in the abdominal area, mood swings, and dizziness, symptoms associated with obstructed menstruation. Researchers also believe that marjoram oil is powerful enough to help delay menopause or, for that matter, premature menopause.

 marjoram essential oil for the body

5Natural Remedy For Spasms

Spasms or involuntary muscle contractions can be disabling. Although the market is flooded with all kinds of products for spasm treatment, very few of them actually work. Marjoram essential oil is, however, known to relieve and even cure almost all types of seizures.

This essential oil is so useful that it helps heal spams in the intestines, respiratory system, and in the limbs as well. The oil can also be used to treat pulled muscles, convulsions, spasmodic cholera, and cramps. The oil can be applied either topically or taken orally.

 what is marjoram essential oil used for

6It Promotes Perspiration

Perspiration is a natural process that helps the body cool down naturally. It also facilitates the removal of waste and toxins from the body through sweat. It can also be termed as the natural method of flushing out toxins through the skin.

Perspiration is vital for your body's wellness. Marjoram oil not only promotes perspiration, but it also makes it easy for the body to shed off sodium salts, toxins, and excess water. In other words, this oil can help bring your fever down as well as contribute to significant weight loss.

 marjoram essential oil for the body

7Aids In The Removal Of Phlegm And Mucus

Flu and cold can make your life miserable. Coughing and congestion can also affect a person's productivity at work. This essential oil comes in handy in providing relief from flu, cold, and congestion.

The oil works by promoting mucus and phlegm removal from the sinuses and throat, thus aiding in faster relief. The oil can also be used to relieve larynx, pharynx, nasal tract, and lung congestion efficiently. Asthmatics and those suffering from chronic coughing will also find the oil useful, especially if they aren't using any other medication.

 what is marjoram essential oil used for

Marjoram oil is also believed to have a calming effect on the mind as well. Just a few drops of the oil can help you manage stress and fight depression effectively. The oil is also useful in promoting the wellness of the structural body system, muscular, and cardiovascular system. You could also use the oil to treat skin conditions as well, but caution is required here.

As mentioned earlier, marjoram oil is a potentially effective product that should only be used sparingly. Excessive use or exposure to this oil can cause skin sensitivity. It can also be irritating to the ears, nose, and eyes.

  •  what is marjoram essential oil used for
  •  what is marjoram essential oil used for
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  • marjoram essential oil uses
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  •  marjoram essential oil for the body